Thursday, 4 July 2013

Public Art Projects - Clay Farm and Glebe Farm, Trumpington

The Public Art Strategy for Clay Farm was approved by Cambridge City Council in December 2010.

Across this large site, 5 lead Artists will create innovative placemaking projects, some perminant pieces of art, some temporary that focus on connecting people to place. 
These artists and their projects include: 

Nils Norman - developing public art proposals for the  ‘Green Corridor’ country park

Simon & Tom Bloor - developing the Art and Play element of the site, to encourage informal play and interaction for all ages

Jeanne Van Heeswijk - working on projects that intergrate the new area and it's residents at the Southern Approach

Sean Edwards - designing the ‘Northern Approach’ of Clay Farm

Heather & Ivan Morrison - working on a project for the new Community Square at the Centre of the Clay Farm development

The Public Art Strategy for Glebe Farm appointed a set of Lead Artists, London Fieldworks to deliver a 5 year public art plan combining community engagement, performative art and architecture installations and a major film project exploring Glebe Farm as a future community of people and wildlife.

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